[Salon] Sunday sermon


Sunday sermon

consider the losers.

September 11, 2022

The chattering class loves ranking winners and losers, almost always from the former’s point of view. But there is no such thing as a whole history when it’s told from only one side. One must consider the perspective of the losers. Before doing that, one must first decide who the losers really are.

Today’s ranking comes amidst dramatic counteroffensives, present and upcoming elections, and funerals. The losers so far appear to be:

1 ‘separatist’ groups and interests in the Donbass.

2 political ‘centrism’

3 ‘MAGA’ Republicans

4 British republicans

Please note that this does not include: the Russian or the Ukrainian governments or people; political parties of the centre in Europe and Latin America; Donald Trump; the English, Irish, Scottish, or Welsh people.

Also please note that the names on this list almost certainly will be different in a week’s, a month’s, or a year’s time.

This archive was generated by a fusion of Pipermail (Mailman edition) and MHonArc.